Michael Bruner

Michael Bruner - Big Brother 2022 (Season 24) cast member

Michael Bruner is an American attorney and reality TV star from Rochester, Minnesota. He is a houseguest on Big Brother season 14 (US) in 2022.

Michael Bruner’s Biography

Name:Michael Bruner
Hometown:Rochester, Minnesota
Current City:Rochester, Minnesota

What’s the best advice you received before coming out to play?

To enjoy myself.

Whenever I play a game, I can get really, really intense and focused so much on winning.

And I think that could really rub people the wrong way if I’m so intense all the time.

So just enjoy myself, lay back and have a good time and really let my personality come out.

Make those genuine connections without coming across as too intimidating.

What do you think people will perceive you as?

I think the second I walk into the house, people are going to perceive me as a nerdy character.

I’ve got the glasses. I’m 6’4″.

I’ve got gangly noodle arms. (Laughs.)

I’m clearly not the musclehead bro the season.

So I think people are going to clock me pretty quickly that I’m the nerd.

What types of players would you least want in your alliance?

People who are very go-with-the-flow, “I just want to do what the house wants.”

Ultimately, those aren’t allies that you can count on.

If I can’t count on you to have my back when I need you because you’re going to do what the house or HoH wants, I don’t want you in my alliance.

I want someone who’s willing to stick their neck out, fight for a veto to try to pull me off, or try to sway some votes in my favor.

Because that’s ultimately what I want to do for my allies, and I really want them to do the same.

What’s something the other houseguests may dislike about you?

If I let it peek through, it’s definitely my intensity when it comes to games.

I like to win at all costs.

And I think that can really rub people the wrong way, especially people who aren’t superfans of the game and who maybe don’t get it quite as much.

They’re like, “Relax, chill, it’s not a big deal.” But for me, this is a big deal.

So keeping all of that under wraps is gonna be really tough.

And if I let it peek through, I think that could rub people the wrong way.

On eviction night, would you rather flip the votes against the house to help your individual game, or go with the house to help your overall alliance?

I am more than willing to flip a vote.

And I would much rather flip a vote to try to further my individual game than just go with the house to help a larger group of people.

Ultimately, an alliance is going to crumble.

We’re going to have to turn on each other.

There are only two chairs in the finale and one winner.

So I’m going to do everything that I can to set myself up for success.

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