Chambermates are drowning in depression
With Kgosi leaving the Chamber house and entering the main house, the Chambermates had never looked so wounded.
The poor Chambermates could not believe their poor states and it’s no wonder as each Chambermate believed secretly that they were heading to the main house.
The situation in the Chamber house seems to be worsening day by day because just today morning, Jenayne launched a cold war against Mbali and Iris.
While most of the Chambermates stayed under their bedcovers, Jenayne woke up from her slumber and headed to the living area and started sweeping, wiping and doing some housework.
When Mbali woke up, he tried to start up a conversation with Jenayne who didn’t respond to him. The depression bug further bit Nku when it was time for her diary session the past day.