Day 36: Big Brother Mzansi 2022 Week 6 Voting Poll
The Big Brother Mzansi 2022 (Season 3) Week 6 Voting Poll is here.

This week we have six housemates up for possible eviction from the Big Brother Mzansi house, these are; Nale, Sis Tamara, Thato, Gash1, Nthabii and Mphowabadimo.
READ: Tulz Wins Week 6 Head of House Title
We would like you all the let us know who you’re voting for this week by participating in our Online Poll below;

Alternatively you can tell us which housemates you’re saving this week by dropping their names in the comment section below.
Terry all the way
Voting for Nthabi
Voting for Nthabi 100 times
Vote for Nthabi
Me too, let work guys her % is quite low bethuna
Let vote for her guys
Voting for Nthabii 100 times
Voting for Thato
Voting Nthabi
Sis T don’t worry table’s will turn. You so smart. Love you sisi T
Voting for Nthabi
Voting for Nale
Gash 1 all the way
Voting Nthabi
Sis T u smart indeed to leave now, ur a vibe to watch. Sis T….Sis T…Sis T…Sis T….Sis T…all the way
Saving sis Tamara
Venus must be nominated next week
Mpho all the way
Vote Nthabi
Voting Nthabi
Mpho all de way
Yes yes yes, Mphowabadimo
Yes mphowabadimo
Mpho no one
I save Gash 1 all the way
Voting Nthabi
My lazy nale
Save Nale
Nale, Mpho, Nthabi you go gals! Venus Tulz and Libo next week youre going
Voting for Nthabi
Voting for Nthabi
Still very shocked with Tuls decision yesterday how over still loving my queenMpho
Voting for Nthabi
Voting for Nthabi
Sis Tamara all the way
TeamDrucala the Ghost nation let’s do it for the CBD let’s vote for Gash1 & Thato
Saving mphowabadimo and nthabza
SisTamara all the way
I save Thato
I am saving Gash 1 AKA GWagon
#Gash 1 inja ye game
Voting for Nthabi
Voting for Nthabi
I’m saving sis Tamara
In luv with mpho and nthabi
sis tamara nd thato
Thato all the way
Gash 1 all the way
Gash 1 all the way
Gash1 all the way
#Mpo wabadimo
Mpho is all the way.
Mpho all the way
Thato all the way
Mphowabadimo for the money
Mpho all the way
I definitely vote to save Nale,Thato and Sis Tamara.
Mpho is a bad influence to Nthabi.Its so sad that a person can be so easily influenced.Nthabi is playing Mpho’s game
Voting for Nthabi
Nale to stay more weeks in the BB Mzansi house.
I save Sis Tamara
Thato all the way i will not stop voting for you
Nthabii to finale
Sis Tamara
I save Thato
Voting for Mphowabadimo
Gash1 all the way
Gash1 🤗
Gash1 all the way
Love mpho and sis Tamara not stop voting for you
Voting for Nthabi
Thato all the way
Sis Tamara
Mpho all the way 100 times
Voting for Mpho wabadimo❤️❤️Next week Tulz on the chopping board 🤧
Mphowamadimo why are you using Nhtabi please stop it, let her play her game it’s not nice guys for real
Um saving Thato but um Terry
Thato and Gash1
I will save that, sis Thamara all the way
# gash 1
I will save sis Thamara all the way
Mphowabadimo til the last day
Mrng mrng housemates so vele Libo & Mpho they talk to each other yho kushubile #BBMzansi
Kushubile i e kitchen abakhulumisani Libo Mpho # BBMzansi
Sis Tara and Thato!!!!
Mphowabadimo my Queen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹
Voting for Nthabi
I’m voting for Thato❤️today, tomorrow, all day
Thato and Gash1
Voting for Nthabi 10 times
Sis T…..Sis T…..Sis T…..Sis T…..Sis T….Sis T
Save Gash
Gash 1 all the way
Im saving Gash
Voting for Nthabi 100 times
Gash1 all the way
Gash I please
Saving Gash 1
Gash 1
Save Sis’Tamara
Gash 1
Mpho wa badimo is a poison to Nthabi. Every minute she gets, she gossip maliciously about housemates.
Gash1 is winning this. Keep playing your game.
Nthabi must just go home. All she does is to follow follow Mpho and making the loudest noise with no meaning!!!
My fav…Gash1, Sis Tamara, Thato and Terry
Love mphowabadimo gal u do u
Gash1 I’m saving you
Saving Gash 1
Gash 1 all the way
Gash 1 to be saved
Voting for Mphowabadimo and Nthabi
voting for Nthabi
Gash 1 all the way
Gash saved
Saving Gash 1
Voting for Mphowabadimo 100%
We love you Mpho.All the house mates gossip in that house.You need to talk in order to survive.Continue Sthandwa sam.
Gash1 for the 2M
Saving Terry and Mpho
Voting for Mpho….Libo,Thulz and Terry with Vanesa the virus are snake’s
Voting for Mpho….
Saving Gash 1 p
Voting for Sis Tamara 1000 times
Gash1 is the one I’m saving
Gash 1 all the way
Venus must be nominated next week
Team nale
Mphowabadimo …she is so pretty
Venus must go home next week Sunday with her black plastic shoes
Tulz And Venus must be nominated next week
Can we please save nale and nthabii
Venus act like she is quite or innocent kuwe uyahleba and she is gossiping about everyone noooo she needs to go home
Mphowabalimo all the way
Mpho wa Badimo all the way
Team gash1 and themba
Saving Gash 1
Team Gash1
Saving Gash 1
Gash1 all the way
Mpowabadimo that’s my girl, very strong, putting all my votes to you viva gogo viva✊✊✊
All my votes are for Thato
Thato to stay…let’s keep on voting for thato
Vote for sis Tamara
Saving Gash 1
Voting Gash1
I’m voting for Nale
Naledi Mogadime ❤️
Neledi Nale Mogadime
Nale all the way I love how you carry yourself such a lady 🥺
Team Nale where are you?
Voting for Sis Tamara #BBMzantsi 🙏
I’m saving Nale, Thato and Sis Tamara. Love yu guys
Saving Thatooooooo
Saving Sis Tamarrrrrra
Voting Gash1
Gash I I save you
Mpho l save you
Voting for MphowaBadimo and Nthabi 100
Saving Nallllleee, Thattttto, SisTamarrrra and Gash1
Saving MphowaBadimo and Nthabi
Sis Tamara all the way the 2meter is yours
Voting for Thato
Libbbbbo oh my boy yu nailed it , all housemates luking beautiful
Saving MphowaBadimo
They won the task team work thanks biggie
Terrrrrry love yu girl
My gogo MphowaBadimo
I have Voted my Mpho with all my 7500 Votes
Thato all the way
Sis Tamara all the way
Sis Tamara yu going nowhere
nthabii 100 times
Libo to the finals
Libooooo all the way yu are not going anywhere
Thatooooo yu are safe
Sis Tamara yu are safe the R2m is yours
Love Libo, Liboooooo all the waaaay
Thuls and the team congratulations
Sis Tamara
Gash team lets vote please
Saving Mpho
Mpho for 2M you go gal
Voting for mpho and nthabi
Voting for mpho 100 times
housemates zen zen zengeng big brother surprises the house of Ntombi fairytale slang
Love sis Tamara she is a winner